
Helping Those Who Don’t Want Help is unavailable, but you can change that!

Warm hearted but hard nosed. One of the modern myths is that ministers lead sheltered lives. A person who swears in the presence of a pastor will often stop and say, “Oh, excuse me, Reverend,” as if pastoral ears are unaccustomed to such indelicate terms. If anything, pastors are more acquainted with the effects of human depravity. Each week brings situations of power, conflict, adultery, and...

tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.” Sustaining the weary can allow them to accept help. Often other factors enter in: physical problems or metabolic disorders. Because we are both body and spirit, biochemical imbalances can affect the soul. Medical care, rest, and good nutrition may be the first steps to help restore a person’s mental and emotional balance. Then, when a better sense of well-being and a higher energy level are achieved, the person may be willing to consider changes.
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